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(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0)

dio_seek -- Seeks to pos on fd from whence


int dio_seek ( resource fd, int pos, int whence)

The function dio_seek() is used to change the file position of the file with descriptor fd. The parameter whence specifies how the position pos should be interpreted:

  • SEEK_SET - specifies that pos is specified from the beginning of the file.

  • SEEK_CUR - Specifies that pos is a count of characters from the current file position. This count may be positive or negative.

  • SEEK_END - Specifies that pos is a count of characters from the end of the file. A negative count specifies a position within the current extent of the file; a positive count specifies a position past the current end. If you set the position past the current end, and actually write data, you will extend the file with zeros up to that position.

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